
Links to USGA Sites

GHIN Site for reporting scoreshttp://www.ghin.com/ 

USGA Handicap Manual Site - http://www.usga.org/Handicapping.html

USGA Rules - http://www.usga.org/Rules

Feedback Form

For membership inquiries and to provide feedback regarding the web site or club operation or to ask Rules questions, use the following form.

Scorecard Spreadsheet

 Members can download an Excel spreadsheet that can print out scorecards for each event. Click on the Scorecard link below to download the latest Scorecard Spreadsheet. After the file is downloaded to your computer, save it to a folder you will remember and then open the file.

Note:  To use this spreadsheet, you will need a computer or tablet with a spreadsheet app that can run Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or Google Sheets.

The Scorecard will be updated every other Sunday during the regular golf season.

During the off-season, updates will be more sporadic depending on Crab Meadow Golf Course status.

For membership information, call

Ed Donaghy at (631) 351-4543 or

complete a membership inquiry form by clicking

on the following link: MemberInquiry

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Peter  Aprile
Matt Bezinski
Robert Bivona
Richard Boziwick
Brian Brady
John Brady
Christopher Brown
Gary Clark
Brian Clarke
Mark Collins
Neil Costello
Pat DeSimone


Joseph DeSomma
Mitchell Hager
William  Haigney
Ira  London
John Malico
Vincent Porreca
Philip Rizzuti
Kevin Rogan
Donald Rutherford
Paul Toscano
Dennis Ward


Welcome New Members

Club Championship Tournaments

President's Cup Tournament -  Bob O'Neill defeated Dave Schram  2 up for the Championship on 6/28.

Ross Vassallo Doubles Championship - Ove Dyling & Dennis Gallagher defeated Bob Neufeld & Joe Burke 2 up in the finals on 8/22.

Men's Championship - Dave Schram defeated Gary Wennberg  1 up in the championship match on Monday , October 14.

Al Heinlein Super Senior Championship - Rich D'Amato defeated Larry Travaglia 4&3 for the Championship on 10/3.

Ladies Championship - Pil Kang defeated Wha-Ja Kim  1up for the Championship on 10/3.